Author: Hugo Parra

Green sea turtles satellite tracking

Loggerhead turtle found stranded at Faial Island

A small loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) was found stranded today at Conceição beach in Faial Island, Azores. It was found by the Diretor of Okeanos/Uaç João Gonçalves while carrying out fieldwork. It was then taken to DOP facilities to perform a necropsy in order to investigate if the animal ingested litter.

Loggerhead turtle found stranded in Porto Pim

Valentina is a small loggerhead turtle found stranded at Porto Pim Beach, island of Faial, on February 14th 2021. It was then brought to the Porto Pim Aquarium for recovery. At the moment it is very active and has already accepted food. As usual, small loggerhead sea turtles arrive to the Azores when winds and currents are favourable. If you sight a stranded sea turtle in the Azores please contact the Rede de Arrojamentos de Cetáceos dos Açores (RACA) phone number (+351) 912 233 518 or leave us a message in our facebook page “Sea turtle in the Azores”.

COSTA fisheries observers embark onboard surface longliners

A COSTA fisheries observer prepares to embark on the first trip of 2021 onboard of a Portuguese surface longliner. A very strong component of the COSTA project is the observation of pelagic longline fisheries in the North Atlantic. Although this fishery targets swordfish, sea turtles also intect with the fishing gear. Due to the COVID19 pandemic, it has been difficult for observers to board ships. However, all efforts have been directed towards the continued observation of this fishery.